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PEB - E ducar B razil P roject

We know that every child outside the care of their parents runs the risk of unfortunately entering a branch of illicit activities, such as robberies, drugs, prostitution, and so on, this can occur within any home, in any Family, no matter what. of creed or color. A Great difficulty that we face in our daily lives, in order to take care of our particularities, is being swallowed up by the excess of working hours, causing a great lack of time for family and friends. Unfortunately, this is one of the main causes that end up taking many teenagers, young people, to this tragic side of life, because the lack of interactivity with them, makes our children start going to the street, meeting people, who unfortunately are harmful to social health. and physical condition of our children, starting a drama experienced by many families with drug use.
The need to put them in educational activities is of such great importance, in order to keep them busy, and protected from such situations arising._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Important national and multinational companies are helping to train young people, of various ages, where many become great professionals, in different fields with only 14 years old. Some examples of these successful people in history like Bil Gates and Steve Jobis , creators of  Microsoft Apple , we also have the creators of great portals on the internet, such as Twitter, Facebook and the powerful and millionaire Google ,  at the time created by two young people only 17 years old._cc781905-5cde- A fastest growing area in the world. The PEB  E ducar B razil P roject is directed to the education model, which uses these digital platforms, to awaken students' desire for knowledge, because digital inclusion in our environment is of such great importance , that even the most common entertainment media are already digital, with large computers and advanced technology systems, make young teenagers increasingly interact with digital education technology.
Concept and Vision

project mechanics

The Educar Brasil project, fecha is a partnership with training schools throughout Brazil, to provide training  offered by the project in the cities covered. The school will provide all the necessary structure and  didactic material for the Course; The amounts will be divided into up to 12 times, allowing everyone to adhere to the project in a flexible, practical and safe way.

Distribution Mechanics

The Project can only be maintained through partnerships with private schools, where the same laboratory that serves a class  on a given day of the week, later will serve the same number of students in the week, thus lowering the cost generated to teach only one class, enabling the project to continue in more schools and cities, and increasingly serving children, young people, adults, with a cost below the average of large centers, where the cost of a course ends up being very high. With the Project in place, we have already managed to serve more than thousands of alunos throughout Brazil.

Evaluation Mechanics

Our advisors are visiting city and state schools; as well as presenting the project to the development and education secretariats of each Municipality, to the responsible sectors and within the due approval by the partnership between municipality and project, Educar Brasil allows the  licensed company to start the works, making available all the material necessary for the acquisition, and for the beginning of classes, as well as a duly qualified and identified teacher. The Project does not serve all students in the municipal and state network, and yes, a number pre-determined by the project. O Number of vacancies is determined by the average number of students within the schools, the screening is done according to the student's level of interest, and by the direct indication of teachers and school directors. One of the Project's objective is also to provide opportunities for low-income students, and to make it feasible to place these students with the same rights as the others in conditions to study in private schools, and thus competing equally in a contest, or a direct vacancy in the job market.
“Whoever wants to do the right thing starts early”
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